Current, Coming & Previous
Current & Coming Events
Sermon Series
Stories for Adults (and kids!)
Sundays 9:15am, Youtube and Facebook
----------SMALL GROUPS----------
Come for a walk with Pastor Darren along the YMCA Greenway.
He will meet you there at 9am on Tuesdays.
There is fellowship time in the lobby, immediatley following the worship service .
The Builder/Sharers Adult Sunday school class meets after worship, starting around 10:30am.
The Brunch bunch meets in the front of the sanctuary then determines where to go for Brunch. The Brunch Bunch invites everyone to brunch. Children invited too!
To view other ways to Connect & Serve CLICK HERE OR return to our main page & signup for our newsletter CLICK HERE
Previous Events
Connection UMC at Pride Weekend
Connection UMC hosted a booth at Nashville Pride, June 22 & 23, alongside other UMC in our area that are affirming congregations.
Throughout the festival Clergy and laity served Holy Communion to ALL who wish to receive it.
The UMC booths were located next to the Kids & Family area.
Get inspired to live out the Easter Story by learning how organizations in middle TN are sharing hope with our community.
From Pastor Darren Wright:
I am beyond excited for our sermon series at Connection UMC.
Sometimes Easter and resurrection can feel abstract and hard to really understand. Some of the ways Easter and resurrection are most real and tangible is in loving, serving, and being in relationship with our communities and our neighbors in ways that empower, discover gifts, and work together to meet needs. Each week during our sermon we will welcome a different organization from middle TN to share stories of hope from the relationships they have made, and are making, in our communities.
Apr. 07, 2024, Sunday
Community Resource Center
Tina Doniger
Apr. 21, 2024, Sunday
Trinity Community Commons
Zach Lykins
To view Trinity Community Commons website
Apr. 28, 2024, Sunday
Healing Arts Project Inc.
Lynece Benton-Stewart
To view Healing Arts Project Inc. website
May 12, 2024 Sunday
Nashville in Harmony
Reece Holland (Membership Secr.)
Steve Wolf (President)
To view Nashville In Harmony's website
To learn about any of these Stories of Hope, shared at Connection UMC:
on Facebook CLICK HERE
Mother's Day & Sunday Pictures
Our front wide-open door greeters. Our choir singing for the day. Darren preaching to the children from a kayak. Our children distributing flowers. New members.
Hickman Elementary - Staff & Teacher Appreciation - Salad & Potatoes luncheon
Celebrations of UMC General Conference Changes
From Pastor Darren: I am thankful for generations of folks who have worked for decades for the day when the UMC would remove the walls it built around the expansive and affirming love of Christ.
God, we give you thanks and praise!
Salad Bowl Luncheon
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Worship Service
Christmas Eve Morning Service
Hymn Sing & "Ugly" Sweaters
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
with Children's Nativity
From Pastor Darren
Love makes room
Launch Pad's Christmas Tree
The "ornaments" on the tree had Launch Pad's guest needs and needs for the shelter. Thank you for your loving response to these needs.
Youth Christmas Progressive Dinner
Metro Housing Navigation Center
Launch Pad / CCF
We are excited to celebrate the ribbon cutting of Nashville Launch Pad’s new transitional housing facility
at Connection UMC in partnership with Community Cares Fellowship!
Thanks to the compassion, hard work, advocacy, and generosity of a ton of people, combined with the people of Connection UMC’s commitment to being a welcoming, inclusive, congregation that exists for the community and models God’s radical love, 15 young adults will have a warm and safe place to sleep and call home. Pastor Darren
Community Thanksgiving Food Assistance
Sat., 11/18, Connection UMC joined with 13 other groups to aid 120 families in need of food assistance for Thanksgiving. Thanks be to God. Thank you to ALL that worked to make this day happen.
Donelson Heights UMC/WEB Tutorial, Donelson Church of the Nazarene, Donelson Presbyterian Church, Holy Rosary Catholic Church, St. Stephen's Catholic Community, Donelson Christian Academy (DCA), Donelson Lions Club, L'Evate M3, Pennington Fellowship Church, St. John's Lutheran Church,
St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee,
Victory Seventh Day Adventist Church
Fall Festival
Connection Construction Crew
Mobile Housing Navigation Center / Launch Pad / CCF
Our Connection UMC family at the construction party!
22+ volunteers worked to move this project forward.
Hickman Elementary - The Couch Potato
Pastor Darren Mayberry Wright
This is Pastor Darren at Hickman Elementary's Family Night. Pastor Darren was one of the stations set up around the school. The children would make their way around the school and stop at his station if they wanted to have a story time. He read the book The Couch Potato to all the children that visited his station. Check out his potato costume. Thank you, Pastor Darren, for being IN our community!
CPR Red Cross Class